While facing a large number of false-positive, it is error-prone to falsely mark something as a false positive. FALSE NEGATIVES are easily buried in false positives. Failure to recognize false positives often means that the attacker will be able to proceed unhindered and unnoticed. Rather than ignoring certain security alerts, you need a better way to identify the FALSE NEGATIVES that could be buried in the noisy false positives.
DTonomy leverages patented AI technology to automatically and continuously group related alerts into attack progression stories while simultaneously tracking and enriching all alerts. Rather than closing the case on noisy false positives, DTonomy continuously monitors them and correlates them into cases. However, every feedback we learned from analysts or the environment will be taken into consideration by AI to lower its prioritization.
Even if certain alerts are mislabeled as false positives, do not worry. Our system will not filter out and ignore those alerts. Instead, we continue to monitor them and connect them with new detections that may lead to strong evidence of a TRUE POSITIVE for a group of alerts.
DTonomy takes potential FALSE NEGATIVE alerts and places them in “sleep mode”. In the background, DTonomy automatically correlates new alerts to relevant cases. Once new evidence is discovered, DTonomy “wakes up” the case and prioritizes it with accumulated risk scores for additional investigation by the security team.
Eventually, DTonomy is looking for clear explanations and evidence for false positives. To facilitate this, DTonomy also provides on-demand security investigation services for your security alerts leveraging our AI-powered technology, automated user confirmation, and crowded noise intelligence.
Copyright © DTonomy 2021
We are pleased to announce that DTonomy is now part of Stellar Cyber. The integrated solution will enhance cyber threat detection and response automation!