security data pipeline
Automate Security Executive Dashboards on Power BI: How to Architect the Data pipeline

In the backend of security operations, one of the recurring challenges for security teams is automating Power BI dashboards to provide continuous, real-time insights from siloed data sources. While creating a dashboard from an Excel spreadsheet is straightforward, achieving automation from data collection to visualization involves a more sophisticated approach. This blog post delves into

cloud and on premise integration for seamless automation
Seamless Cloud and on-premise integration for security automation

As more and more security teams adopt cloud-based security automation tools like DTonomy, it’s increasingly common for security analysts to encounter situations where they need to integrate cloud products with on-premises products to achieve end-to-end automation. Many on-premises software products provide REST APIs for programmatic access but are only accessible within the LAN (Local Area

CDM Dashboard
Empower Your Agency’s Cyber Defenses: Navigate the CDM and Federal Dashboards Maze with DTonomy

Introduction: In the digital age, safeguarding our nation’s information infrastructure is paramount. The Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) program, developed by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), stands at the forefront of this critical mission. The CDM program is a dynamic approach to fortifying the cybersecurity of government networks and systems. Its primary aim

DTonomy & LexisNexis: AI-driven Innovation in Security Operations

Introduction: The ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity presents continuous challenges for large organizations. DTonomy’s recent collaboration with LexisNexis, a major player in the legal services industry, serves as a shining example of overcoming these challenges. As highlighted in their feedback on, LexisNexis experienced a remarkable transformation in their security operations post-implementation of DTonomy’s solutions. The

tenable powerbi
Streamlining Security Posture Reporting for GCC Governments: Automating Power BI Reports

Introduction: In today’s fast-paced governmental landscape, the ability to efficiently automate security posture reporting leveraging Power BI is more crucial than ever. The process of setting up automation for the government Power BI platform, with its unique API settings and configurations, is markedly different from standard practices. This blog is dedicated to demystifying these complexities.

AI Model Security: Safeguarding Data and IP

Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of machine learning and AI services, one of the paramount challenges is the secure deployment of models. Providers and clients alike grapple with critical concerns: for providers, it’s the risk of intellectual property theft; for clients, the fear of data leakage. This comprehensive guide delves into several technical solutions designed

chatgpt for msp
ChatGPT-Enabled MSP Business Growth: 6 Innovative Approaches to Consider

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) offer crucial IT services and support to a wide range of clients. With the advent of ChatGPT, MSPs now have a chance to expand their business in innovative and previously unseen ways. ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize both the lead generation process and the service delivery experience. On the business

GPT for cyber security
6 ChatGPT Use Cases for Streamlining Security Operations

As a highly capable AI language model, ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize the way security teams approach their daily tasks. In this blog, we explore six creative ways that ChatGPT can assist and enhance the work of cybersecurity professionals, making their job easier and more effective. 1. Simplify SIEM Query Writing with ChatGPT With

How does ChatGPT work? Tracing the evolution of AIGC.

AIGC, or AI-generated Content, is a way of content creation using artificial intelligence and is considered a new type of content creation after PGC (Professionally-generated Content) and UGC (User-generated Content). AIGC is developing rapidly in many fields such as text, image, and audio/video, software development, and in recent years there are many creation experience platforms

cyber security dashboard
Cyber Security Dashboard

A cybersecurity dashboard is a graphical user interface that displays real-time data about the security of an organization’s network and systems. It typically includes a collection of metrics, charts, and other visualizations that provide a high-level view of an organization’s cybersecurity posture. The dashboard may include information about the number of attacks, the types of

phishing test
How to run an effective phishing test?

Phishing attacks are a common method used by hackers to gain access to sensitive information, and they can be very difficult to detect. By conducting regular phishing tests, organizations can help protect themselves against these attacks by identifying and addressing any vulnerabilities in their employees’ security knowledge and practices. To run an effective phishing test,

We are pleased to announce that DTonomy has been acquired by Stellar Cyber, Inc. This will enhance our offerings and services.